Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My outburst

I wrote this...some time ago. Well...a couple of months ago I guess. Just...seriously. Emotional outpouring. Completely. Doesn't mean I feel this way now. :-)(well...maybe parts of it, ha)

I'm so sick of these games everyone is playing. All of these hidden meanings have hidden meanings behind them. I never know what you're thinking and I don't want to get hurt. Oh Jesus, help me with this first cut, because it bleeds, and poison gets in instead of out. The difficulty of not knowing is tearing at me, I have a knot in my stomach. The emotions are taking their toll on me, I thought we were done with this? But no, more drama, more games, please cut the crap. Be a real man and say what you're thinking, what you're feeling. Be a man, and tell me the truth.

I need to feel cherished, to feel loved, why am I saying He's not enough?

the feel of his arms around me
disappear under a cloud of mistrust
can I ever trust you again?
Truly, never again
They warned me about your type
you playboys acting innocent
and you denied your earned title
and I believed you.
You piece of crap
you good for nothing liar
Words are your trade
Well who would have thought?
You covered up the lies
with sugar and spice
You told me you cared
How nice
Grow some balls
be a man.

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